Acquiring a credit card is not as difficult as you think. Depending on your issuer of choice, your credit card application can be approved in less than 5 minutes, followed by which you get your virtual card and make purchases. But your desire for a credit card India must be justified before you apply to obtain one.
Depending on several factors, you can have your credit card application approved in minutes or hours. One of the preferred cards is OneCard. India’s first premium metal card.
Get your credit card approved within minutes
Here are some of the ways to apply and get your credit card approved in minutes.
- Download the app
With the OneCard mobile app, you can apply for a metal credit card and have it approved in minutes. Once installed, fill out your name, residential address, PAN card, proof of income, valid ID, and age, and your card will be approved instantly. It will be delivered to your given address if you want the physical card, and you can access the virtual version if you are thus inclined.
- Go to the issuer’s website
You can apply for a credit card in India on the issuer’s website. Similar to the mobile app, you fill out your personal information and then sit back to get your application approved. You may even use the instant chat feature on the website to chat with a representative if you have questions regarding your preferred card. And you may raise a support ticket if you are approved already.
In the rare case that you are rejected for whatever course, your next line of action is to walk into the hall of financial institutions partnering with the credit card issuer.
Review your options before applying for a card
Whether you apply for a credit card online or from inside a business facility, it is important that you review the benefits of your preferred credit card before applying for it. You should also consider how the credit card offerings meet your unique needs and lifestyle. The ultimate reason for a credit card is to meet your lifestyle needs.
Just like OneCard credit card, some of the benefits you might want to consider include zero joining fees, zero renewal fees, and zero fees to redeem reward points. You should also consider discounts and offers that you are eligible for and that can be applied toward travel, hotel reservations, air flights, and cashback among others.
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